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Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Science & technology - Living world

Science and Technology - Living World - Can you find me?

Students investigate the variety of living things that call Brewongle home by collecting data on living things, analysing their features, making an observational drawing and learning about habitats and their importance to all living things. 

This program has links to the award-winning Australian children’s book 'Can You Find Me?' by Gordon Winch and Patrick Shirvington. 

Maximum 5 classes per day. 

Download program documents: 

Program feedback

"Many thanks. We had an absolutely magical day! The activities were so age/stage appropriate and provided an essential knowledge bank for further studies."

Pre-excursion tasks

As a class, read 'Can You Find Me?' by Gordon Winch and Patrick Shirvington. 

Can you find me? - video

Watch an online reading of the story by our teacher Kate.


Discuss camouflage, where animals look like where they live. Example activities for classrooms to teach camouflage:

Hide the lizard

  • Students cut out a paper lizard use the Pattern Universe website to find a template which has been printed on white paper.
  • Give students a piece of patterned paper, for example coloured stripes or spots. Scrapbooking paper is great for this activity, but try to find simple patterns.
  • Ask students to place the cutout lizard on the paper and 'hide it' – colour the lizard in with the same colours and patterns as the paper behind it. Staple the lizard to the paper and display.

Make a bug

  • With their newfound knowledge of camouflage, students draw a bug on an A5 piece of paper. The bug could be based on a real or imagined bug, but it should be the type of bug they might find in local bushland. Students must colour their bug in, being mindful of the colours they might have seen in the trees, bush or soil. These bugs should be brought to Brewongle EEC for the excursion.