Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Writers in the environment camp

Our Writers in the Environment Camp is a 3-day literacy camp for year 6 students that has returned after a break due to pandemics, floods and other factors!

Writing Focus Aims

• to engage talented and motivated students in workshops run by popular children’s authors.

• to enable experimentation with a variety of genres and enhancement of students’ writing skills, for example characterisation, planning, setting the scene, developing a plot and different story endings.

• to immerse students within the beauty and serenity of the natural forest environment to stimulate inspiration to create new ideas.

Overnight Camp Aims

• to meet and socialise with students from other schools with similar writing talents and interests.

• to provide opportunities for students to participate in activities such as,

-        utilising new writing skills in your journal

-        team building and communication skills

-        night activities at the campfire/amphitheatre area

-        wildlife presentation

-        animal spotlighting bush walk

-        read your own works aloud to your peers or share your favourite poem

-       planning and performing evening plays with your peers

Visiting authors this year are Nathan Luff, author TBC and Jasmine Seymour

Download the Nomination form and flyer and nominate 4 students per school.

Nominations have been extended until 2nd of August.

Look out for our School Biz advertisement.

Watch the writers camp 2013 video