Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Make a booking

Step 1. Use our availability calendar to find a date that suits you

Excursion bookings

  • Days marked 'Excursion Available' in red are available for excursions at Brewongle EEC.
  • On days marked 'Excursion Available (limited numbers)', we have other bookings but may accomodate multiple bookings on that day.
  • Days with no 'Excursion Available' are currently full.


Camp bookings

  • For camp bookings, please find concurrent available dates and contact us to book.


Incursion bookings

  • Incursions and offsite programs are provisionally available any day, pending student numbers and staffing availability.


The calendar is updated daily.

Note: Please be aware that due to demand for our programs, you may not have exclusive use of the site at Brewongle. Certain programs or fewer classes may allow us to have more than one booking on a day. Care has been taken to ensure minimal or no disruption to either group booking.


Step 2. Complete Google form

Once you have found an available date to suit your school, please complete the Booking Inquiry Form below. Within a week (during school term), you will receive a confirmation email from our school administration manager containing the necessary information and paperwork for your booking.

Click here to complete the booking inquiry form.

Your booking is not confirmed until you receive the confirmation email.