Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Booking & cancellation policy

Booking and cancellation policy

Brewongle EEC aims to accomodate as many schools as possible throughout the year. Once you have booked an excursion, incursion or camp with us, we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for your school.

To ensure Brewongle is able to provide the best possible experience for all schools and students, we ask you to read and adhere to our Booking & Cancellation Policy. 

Fees and charges

  • Schools will be charged based on the number of students confirmed as attending the excursion, incursion or camp, or the number of students who attend on the day (whichever is greater).
  • Failure to complete and return required forms at least 7 days prior to the booked date will result in full charge to the school, based on the initial student numbers booked, or the number of students who attend on the day (whichever is greater).
  • DoE schools are required to sign and return the Interschool Journal notice (attached to the confirmation email) with their completed visitor forms. The final journal amount will be calculated on the day of the excursion, incursion or camp.
  • Non-DoE schools are required to provide a Purchase Order number on their completed visitor forms. Failure to provide a PO number may result in the visit being cancelled.

Return of paperwork

  1. Visitor information form (confirming student numbers)
  2. Medical and welfare information form
  3. Authority to publish form
  4. Interschool Journal notification form (DoE schools)
  5. Purchase Order number required for all Catholic schools
  6. Swimming ability form (if kayaking)
  7. Dietary requirements (for camps)

Cancellations or changes to bookings

  • Once schools have made a booking, it is the booking staff members responsibility to make sure that the confirmation paperwork sent to Brewongle EEC is correct and that the school community has been fully informed of the visit requirements.
  • If you need to make changes to your booking, Brewongle EEC requires a minimum 30 days writen email notice to make adjustments to your booking.
  • Brewongle reserves the right to cancel or postpone in the event of inclement weather. Please see the Brewongle website for the list of trigger points for cancellation.
  • Schools will be contacted as soon as possible if the weather forecast indicates cancel or postpone conditions. Please phone the centre if you have any concerns about the forecasted weather. 
  •  If an excursion is cancelled due to weather conditions, no cost will be incurred to the visiting school. In most cases, we will do our best to arrange an alternate visit date.

Timing of cancellation

Fees charged

Within 30 days of excursion or incursion date $250 administration fee charged
Within 30 days of camp date $500 administration fee charged
Within 7 days of excursion/incursion/camp date Total fee charged based on the advised student attendance (initial booking)

Trigger points for cancellation

Brewongle has a set of parameters at which we will consider whether to cancel/postpone, or modify an excursion. Schools will be contacted as soon as possible if the forecast indicates cancel/postpone conditions. Please phone the centre or the mobile number on the booking form if you have concerns about weather. 

Weather Cancel/postpone Notes
Rain 70-100% chance of 10mm or more. Consideration given to student numbers and program. Students bring raincoats if showers are forecast. 
Heat 40 degrees or higher. Consult with school about modifying or postponing if 35-40 degrees.
Storm Severe weather warning or higher issued for storms. Consult with school about modifying or postponing when non-severe storms are forecast.
Wind Gale wind warning or higher. Consult with school about modifying or postponing if strong wind warning issued. 
Flood Flood warning issued for Hawkesbury - Windsor to Lower Portland. Monitor road closures and warnings during heavy rain events. 
Bushfire Severe to catastrophic fire danger days.

Severe/extreme fire danger - consult with school about modifying or postponing.

Catastrophic fire danger days - site closed and excursions postponed.

Smoke/ Air quality Very poor warning issued for air quality. Consult with school about modifying or postponing if poor air quality warning issued.