Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Science & Technology - Living World


Environmental Detective Charles Britten needs your help! Come to Brewongle EEC and investigate the strange disappearance of Emus from a habitat where they once roamed freely.

This excursion is centred around inquiry based learning and will immerse your students in scientific skills and hands on fun and interactive activities. Learning across the curriculum priorities are integrated.


Scientific inquiry questions

  • How do physical conditions affect the survival of living things?
  •  How do the structural and behavioural features of living things support survival?
  • Why is it important for food and/or fibre to be produced sustainably?


  • Examines how the environment affects the growth, survival and adaptation of living things ST3-4LW-S
  • Explains how food and fibre are produced sustainably in managed environments for health and nutrition ST3-5LW-T- ST3-1WS-S & ST3-2DP-T 



  • Classification of living things
  • Life cycles of living things 
  • Survival of living things


Cross Curriculum Priorities

  • Sustainability
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures


Literacy & Numeracy Learning Progressions

This program supports student learning in various elements of the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.

Activity 1 - Scientific Testing & Habitat Survey

Students learn how to use scientific equipment to measure the physical conditions of the local environment such as temperature, slope, soil texture, light density & more.


Activity 2 - Tracking animals

Students investigate the tracks of emus and various other animals. They identify which tracks are predators’ and learn how to steal an emu egg.


Activity 3 - Changes in the environment

Students learn how changes in the environment have affected the survival of emus. Students learn how Aboriginal peoples used fire to manage the environment.


Activity 4 - Plants and Emu food

What do emus eat? Who do they compete with? Students observe and document a plant that both emus and humans may eat.


Time Group 1 & 2 Group 3 & 4 Group 5  Group 6
9:45 Welcome to Brewongle / Safety Briefing 

Physical & environmental tests

Adaptations of animals

Physical conditions & Emu survival

Plants, Emus & Aboriginal knowledge
10:45 RECESS

Adaptations of animals

Physical conditions & Emu survival

Plants, Emus & Aboriginal knowledge

Physical & environmental tests

Physical conditions & Emu survival

Plants, Emus & Aboriginal knowledge

Physical & environmental tests

Adaptations of animals
12:30 Plants, Emus & Aboriginal knowledge Physical & environmental tests Adaptations of animals Physical conditions & Emu survival
1:15 LUNCH
1:50 Reflection of activities / Wrap up / Toilets

Pre and post-excursion lessons are available in the student workbook (link below)

Location Brewongle EEC, Sackville North
Bus  details

Buses are booked by the visiting school.

A map to the bus parking will be sent with the schools confirmation email. Please ensure you print the map and give to the bus driver the morning of the excursion.

Cost Refer to Brewongle's pricing page
Class numbers and size

Up to 6 classes per day or 180 students.

Maximum 30 students per class

Start and finish times

Arrival time is 9:45am

Departure time is 2pm

* discuss prior to your visit if you require alternate times

Risk Assessments Refer to Brewongle's risk management plans
Inclusive learning support

This program can be adapted for students with specific mobility requirements.

Please visit our inclusive education website for social stories and other excursion support materials.

Adverse weather

On days where the weather is unsuitable, a Brewongle staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.

Please visit booking and cancellation policy to view our trigger points for cancellation.