Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

People live in places - Eddy the Dharug boy


Nature is important for many reasons, both to people and to wildlife. This geographical inquiry uses the story of ‘Eddy the Dharug Boy’ to focus students on the spaces and places around Brewongle. It helps them understand why these spaces are important and how we can look after them. The program includes geographical tools such as maps and fieldwork, with post-visit lessons and assessments.


Geographical inquiry questions

  • How can we look after the places we live in?
  • What makes a place special?
  • What are places like? 


  • identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people GEe-1
  • communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools GEe-2



  • Important places
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander places
  • Locating places


Cross Curriculum priorities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
  • Sustainability 


Literacy & Numeracy Learning Progressions

This program supports student learning in various elements of the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions. 

Activity 1 - What makes a home?

Students develop an understanding of the importance of places around Brewongle. They learn about Dharug Totems and create built shelters for a blue-tongue lizard. Their shelters are then put to the test with some rain (watering can). Maybe Heidi our resident blue-tongue might move in. Maybe we can spot some possums sleeping in nest boxes.


Activity 2 - Bush resource walk and Gunyah building

Students trace the steps of Eddy and Barrugin, two Dharug boys who ran away from their camp across the river. Students search for bush medicine and food and build a shelter called a Gunyah.


Activity 3 - Nature mud maps

Students learn to map a route they take in the bush at Brewongle to help them find their way back. They use sticks, leaves and other objects to create a mud map of their track and present their map to their class.


Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
10:00 Welcome to Brewongle / Safety Briefing 


Read “Eddy the Dharug Boy” to the group under the wisdom tree


What makes a home?

(Nature Play area)

Bush resource walk & Gunyah building

(Wattungle to Lookout)

Nature mud maps

(Wisdom Tree to Bug Pits)


Bush resource walk & Gunyah building

(Wattungle to Lookout)

Nature mud maps

(Wisdom Tree to Bug Pits)

What makes a home?

(Nature Play area)

12:20 LUNCH

Nature mud maps

(Wisdom Tree to Bug Pits)

What makes a home?

(Nature Play area)

Bush resource walk & Gunyah building

(Wattungle to Lookout)

1:40 Reflection of activities / Wrap up / Toilets

The following books were written by local Dharug women and are perfect stories to read with students to support this excursion. These books incorporate real Indigenous culture and language in engaging and beautiful stories.

  • Baby Business by Jasmine Seymour
  • Cooee Mittigar by Jasmine Seymour and Leanne Mulgo Watson
  • The Lost Girl by Amberlin Kwaymullina and Leanne Tobin

These texts may be borrowed from Brewongle EEC. Please contact us to organise.

There is no worksheet required for this program.

Location Brewongle EEC, Sackville North
Bus  details

Buses are booked by the visiting school.

A map to the bus parking will be sent with the schools confirmation email. Please ensure you print the map and give to the bus driver the morning of the excursion.

Cost Refer to Brewongle's pricing page
Class numbers and size

Up to 3 classes per day

Maximum 30 students per class

Start and finish times

Arrival time is 10am

Departure time is 2pm

* discuss prior to your visit if you require alternate times

Risk Assessments Refer to Brewongle's risk management plans
Inclusive learning support

This program can be adapted for students with specific mobility requirements.

Please visit our inclusive education website for social stories and other excursion support materials.

Adverse weather

On days where the weather is unsuitable, a Brewongle staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.

Please visit booking and cancellation policy to view our trigger points for cancellation.