Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Geography - Sustainable biomes


This engaging, hands on geographical inquiry will help students answer the syllabus inquiry questions using Permaculture elements at Brewongle EEC. Students will examine the physical characteristics and productivity of  biomes which provide people with food, including a native bushtucker garden. 

With increasing human pressure on our natural Biomes, there is a need to grow food in a sustainable way to ensure food security for all living things into the future. We would like you to investigate the principles of Permaculture and how we have applied these at Brewongle EEC.


Geographical inquiry questions

  • How do people use and alter biomes for food production?
  •  What are some of the factors affecting food production at Brewongle EEC?


  • Explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments GE5-1
  • Analyses the effect of interactions and connections between people, places and environments GE5-3
  • Assesses management strategies for places and environments for their sustainability GE5-5
  • Acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry GE5-7
  • Communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies GE5-8



  •  Biomes-
  • Changing biomes
  • Biomes produce food
  • Challenges to food production


Cross Curriculum Priorities:

  • Sustainability

Activity 1 - Compass & iPad map tour of sustainability elements of Brewongle EEC

Students evaluate permaculture elements. They discuss and provide reasons for the location of the element before explaining its importance. Students create a sketch map of the site.


Activity 2 - Bushland soil assessment

Using a range of scientific and geographical tools, students assess the biotic and abiotic parameters of the soil. Students discuss and analyse results, comparing the soil health and productivity of sites around Brewongle.


Activity 3 - Soil assessment

Students replicate the tests conducted in the bushland soil and compare results.


Activity 4 - The original Australian Biome

Explore our bushland to discover Aboriginal bush tucker food production and use.


Time Group 1 & 2 Group 3 & 4 Group 5 & 6 Group 7 & 8

Welcome to Brewongle / Safety Briefing 

10:05 RECESS

Compass & iPad tour

Soil assessment


Soil assessment

(Permaculture garden)

An original Australian Biome 

(Bush resource walk)


Soil assessment


Soil assessment

(Permaculture garden)

An original Australian Biome 

(Bush resource walk)

Compass & iPad tour

Soil assessment

(Permaculture garden)

An original Australian Biome 

(Bush resource walk)

Compass & iPad tour

Soil assessment


12:40 LUNCH

An original Australian Biome 

(Bush resource walk)

Compass & iPad tour

Soil assessment


Soil assessment

(Permaculture garden)


Reflection of activities / Wrap up / Toilets


The pre-excursion tasks can be found on pages 2-5 of the worksheet (link below). The following map and downloadable resources will assist in the completion of pre-excursion activity 1 questions. 

Activity one resources:

Maps end here
Maps end here

Location Brewongle EEC, Sackville North
Bus  details

Buses are booked by the visiting school.

A map to the bus parking will be sent with the schools confirmation email. Please ensure you print the map and give to the bus driver the morning of the excursion.

Cost Refer to Brewongle's pricing page
Class numbers and size

Up to 8 classes per day or 240 students.

Maximum 30 students per class

Start and finish times

Arrival time is 9:45am

Departure time is 2pm

* discuss prior to your visit if you require alternate times

Risk Assessments Refer to Brewongle's risk management plans
Inclusive learning support

This program can be adapted for students with specific mobility requirements.

Please visit our inclusive education website for social stories and other excursion support materials.

Adverse weather

On days where the weather is unsuitable, a Brewongle staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.

Please visit booking and cancellation policy to view our trigger points for cancellation.