Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Science & Technology - Living world


Through this scientific inquiry with a difference, students will gain a deep understanding of the value of nature and the vital role it plays or played in Dharug people’s lives. This program supplements learning across both content strands of the Living World unit. It explicitly incorporates Aboriginal culture, with a focus on local Dharug Country and culture.


Scientific inquiry questions

  • What do we notice about living things?
  • How can living things be used to meet our needs?


  • Observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S
  • Develops solutions to an identified need STe2DP-T 
  • Explores the characteristics, needs and uses of living things STe-3LW-ST



  • Characteristics and basic needs of living things
  • Using living things as food and fibre


Cross Curriculum Priorities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures 
  • Sustainability


Literacy & Numeracy Learning Progressions

This program supports student learning in various Elements of the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.

Activity 1 - Bush Resource Walk & Bush Survey

Students take a guided walk around Brewongle, learning about and analysing bush resources. Students do leaf rubbings of various plants, comparing features and discussing links between features and Darug uses for plants.


Activity 2 - Tools & Trade

Students learn about, look at and touch a range of Dharug tools, discussing men’s and women’s duties and tools, what tools are made from and how they are made. Students learn about seasonality and trade of resources. They work in the “tool construction zone” and use natural objects to design and produce a tool.


Activity 3 - Wattungle - the Sydney Green Wattle

An up close analysis of the structure and function of parts of Wattungle. Students touch and learn about the numerous uses for Wattungle in a “pin the part on the plant” activity.


Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Welcome to Brewongle / Safety Briefing 



Bush resource walk & bush survey

(Lookout classroom)

Tools & Trade

(Campfire & Nature Play area)

Wattungle - the Sydney Green Wattle

(Top lawn)


Tools & Trade

(Campfire & Nature Play area)

Wattungle - the Sydney Green Wattle

(Top lawn)

Bush resource walk & bush survey

(Lookout classroom)

12:20 LUNCH

Wattungle - the Sydney Green Wattle

(Top lawn)

Bush resource walk & bush survey

(Lookout classroom)

Tools & Trade

(Campfire & Nature Play area)

1:40 Reflection of activities / Wrap up / Toilets

There is no worksheet required for this program.

There are no pre-excursion requirements for this program.

Location Brewongle EEC, Sackville North
Bus  details

Buses are booked by the visiting school.

A map to the bus parking will be sent with the schools confirmation email. Please ensure you print the map and give to the bus driver the morning of the excursion.

Cost Refer to Brewongle's pricing page
Class numbers and size

Up to 3 classes per day

Maximum 30 students per class

Start and finish times

Arrival time is 10am

Departure time is 2pm

* discuss prior to your visit if you require alternate times

Risk Assessments Refer to Brewongle's risk management plans
Inclusive learning support

This program can be adapted for students with specific mobility requirements.

Please visit our inclusive education website for social stories and other excursion support materials.

Adverse weather

On days where the weather is unsuitable, a Brewongle staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.

Please visit booking and cancellation policy to view our trigger points for cancellation.