Brewongle Environmental Education Centre

Explore, Experience, Discover

Telephone02 4579 1136

Aboriginal Culture incursions


The Dharug people have occupied the Western Sydney region for more than 22,000 years. Dharug culture is connected to Country, people and to the spirituality of the land.

Students will learn about the importance of Country and Place to the Dharug nation. They will also discover their language, tools, culture, art and music. 


Incursion options

A full day program for all participating students. 

Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 students will participate in fun and engaging cultural activities that embed Dharug language. They will listen to stories, create a dance, use body paint to transform into fairy wrens, examine Dharug treasures and their uses and learn about traditional hunting methods through game play.

Program activities


Activity 1 - Seasons

Listen to the story Cooee Mittigar and learn about the animals and seasons on Dharug Country. Create an animal seasons dance and perform together in a circle.


Activity 2 - Weapons & Tools

Learn about Aboriginal Culture by exploring some special treasures, their stories and uses.


Activity 3 - Emu Egg Hunt

Learn about daddy emus and how to hunt emu eggs the traditional way! Students take turns being daddy emus, stick hunters and emu caller players in a fun egg hunt game.


Activity 4 - Blue Wren Ochre

Listen to a dreaming story of the Blue Wren. Make and paint grey and blue ochre on your skin like the little Blue Wren. 

Incursion timetable sample

Note: This is one example of an incursion program.

Times will vary depending on the schools bell times, student numbers etc.

Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
8:00 Brewongle staff arrive and set up 

Acknowledgement of Country

Learn to say My name is in Dharug language.

9:10 Seasons Weapons & Tools Emu Game Blue Wren Ochre
10:00 Weapons & Tools Emu Game Blue Wren Ochre Seasons
10:50 RECESS
11:15 Emu Game Blue Wren Ochre Seasons Weapons & Tools
12:05 Blue Wren Ochre Seasons Weapons & Tools Emu Game


Brewongle staff pack up & depart

A full day program for all participating students. 

Stage 2 and Stage 3 students will engage in hands-on learning of traditional skills, participate in oral storytelling and play Indigenous games. They will examine a range of traditional tools and weapons, learn about the importance of cultural burning for Country and attempt to create fire using the traditional hand-drill method. 

Program activities


Activity 1 - Storytelling

Students experience the use of ochre and traditional symbols for storytelling and then share their stories orally with the class.


Activity 2 - Weapons & Tools

Learn about Aboriginal Culture by exploring some special treasures, their stories and uses.


Activity 3 - Traditional Indigenous games

Have fun and discover how to play games that have been used for thousands of years.


Activity 4 - Traditional fire making

Can you make fire using traditional techniques? Students learn all about traditional fire use and try to make fire using the hand drill method and natural materials.

Incursion timetable sample

Note: This is one example of an incursion program.

Times will vary depending on the schools bell times, student numbers etc.

Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
8:00 Brewongle staff arrive and set up 

Acknowledgement of Country

Learn to say My name is in Dharug language.

9:10 Traditional weapons & tools Traditional Indigenous games Ochre Traditional fire making
10:00 Traditional Indigenous games Ochre Traditional fire making Traditional weapons & tools
10:50 RECESS
11:15 Ochre Traditional fire making Traditional weapons & tools Traditional Indigenous games
12:05 Traditional fire making Traditional weapons & tools Traditional Indigenous games Ochre


Brewongle staff pack up & depart

Participating students will participate in one stage based session (approximately 50 minutes) during the incursion.

This program can be run for one stage only OR as a whole school program.


Whole school incursions are available for up to 650 students per day. 

Program activities


Early Stage 1 - Emu Egg Hunt

Learn about daddy emus and how to hunt emu eggs the traditional way! Students take turns being daddy emus, stick hunters and emu caller players in a fun egg hunt game.


Stage 1 - Ochre Painting

Discover how to make ochre paint and use traditional symbols to paint a story.


Stage 2 - Traditional Indigenous games

Have fun and discover how to play games that have been used for thousands of years.


Stage 3 - Traditional fire making

Can you make fire using traditional techniques? Students learn all about traditional fire use and try to make fire with natural materials. 

Incursion timetable sample

Note: This is one example of an incursion program.

Times and the run sheet will vary depending on the schools bell times, student numbers, class numbers etc.

Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Brewongle staff arrive and set up 

 All activities will need an appropriate undercover outdoor teaching area (or oval). Students will be able to complete 1 x 50 minute session each as part of the program.


Each stage will complete a different activity allowing for differentiation of learning.


Early Stage 1 - Emu egg game

Stage 1 - Ochre painting

Stage 2 - Traditional Indigenous games

Stage 3 - Fire making


Acknowledgement of Country

Learn to say My name is in Dharug language.



2 classes


2 classes


2 classes


2 classes



2 classes


2 classes


2 classes


2 classes

10:50 RECESS


2 classes


2 classes


2 classes


2 classes



1 class


2 classes


2 classes


2 classes



Brewongle staff pack up & depart

Cross Curriculum Priorities

Science Elaborations - K-2

  • Learning how Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples’ concepts of time and weather patterns explain how things happen in the world around them.
  • Exploring how Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples’ observations of external features of living things are mimicked and replicated in traditional dance.


Science Elaborations - 3-6

  • Considering how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples use natural materials for different purposes, such as tools, clothing and shelter, based on their properties. 
  • Investigating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ knowledge and understanding of the physical conditions necessary for survival of certain plants and animals in the environment


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures - K-2

  • Recognising how Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples use changes in the landscape and the sky to answer questions about when to gather certain resources. 
  • Considering that technologies used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples require an understanding of how materials can be sustainable sourced to make tools and weapons, musical instruments, clothing, cosmetics and artworks.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures - 3-6

  • Discussing how modern approaches to fire ecology in Australia are being informed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ traditional ecological knowledge and fire management practices. 
  • Investigating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ knowledge of reversible processes, such as the application of adhesives, and of irreversible processes, such as the use of fuels for torches.


Booking school

All activities will need an appropriate undercover outdoor teaching area (or oval).

Bus  details

Nil required

Cost Refer to Brewongle's pricing page
Class numbers and size

Dependant on outdoor teaching areas available and Brewongle staffing.

Maximum 30 students per class.

Start and finish times

Arrival time is 8am

Departure time is 1pm approximately

* school bell times to be provided when confirming incursion booking

Risk Assessments Refer to Brewongle's risk management plans
Inclusive learning support

This program can be adapted for students with specific mobility requirements.

Please visit our inclusive education website for social stories and other excursion support materials.

Adverse weather

On days where the weather is unsuitable, a Brewongle staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.

Please visit booking and cancellation policy to view our trigger points for cancellation.